Warframe Mods/Mods are used to enhance the abilities of the weapon/warframe. These special kinds of cards can be equipped using the Arsenal located on the back side of the ship.
These cards can be equipped on sentinels, Kubrows, Weapons, Warframes, Power, Archwings, etc. As of now there are over 835 mods in the game. – source warframe.wikiPolarityAs you might realise sometimes, some slots have a sign for example “V”/”D”.
My sat nav flashed me. Your satnav might be affected by the GPS Week Number Rollover. Your navigation device shows a spinning cogwheel or a spinning wheel and then a device with a red cross on the screen when the TomTom software is not. First, you must reset your navigation device to see if that resolves the issue. show me how. I tried turning on my Garmin, but the screen just keeps flashing from the Garmin. The satellite almanac data - it takes a while to re-initialize all this information. My booklet does not show me how to change the battery - or even where the. Your navigation device will alert you when your battery is low by flashing a low-battery icon in the lower-left corner of your device. On some devices, you can.
These are polarised slots if you put a mod of the same polarity the mod will drain half of the capacity it requires. The polarity of a mod is found on the top right of a mod.StatisticsEvery mod has nine attributes attached to them. Mod Name: Name of the mod. Capacity, Drain and Polarity: In the example, you can see that the mod has a drain of 4 and double dash polarity. Rank of the mod: The blue dots below the card denotes how much the mod has been upgraded.
Mod Compatibility: Denotes the compatibility of a mod, what the mod can be equipped on. The example mod can be equipped on Vauban.
Conclave Rating: The value of the mod in conclave matches. Duplicate Count: The number of same mods that you have in your inventory. Aura/Stance Sign: Denotes if the mod can be put in the Aura/Stance Slot. The Aura/Stance mod can’t be inserted in normal slots. Rarity: Shows the rarity of a mod. The colours are bronze for common, silver for an uncommon mod, gold for rare and white for legendary mods.Special Types of Mods Stance ModsStance Mods are mods specially made for melee weapons, these mods increase the capacity of the weapon and also give unique attack combos to the user. Only one stance mod can be equipped on a weapon at once.Also, the stance has to be compatible with the melee weapon type.
For example only works with swords such as Skana, Broken War, Dakra Prime.Click here to read more about Stance Mods Nightmare ModsNightmare Mods are dual stat mods that can be obtained by completing nightmare mode missions. Aura ModsAura Mods are Waframe mods that can be used to increase the total mod capacity. Similar to stance mods these mods can only be equipped on the Aura slot. One better thing about aura mods is that they stack with other players, so if all players are bringing corrosive projection to a mission, the enemies won’t have any armor at all.Click here to read more about Stance Mods Corrupted ModsCorrupted mods can be obtained from Derelict Missions, each mission requires a dragon key.
Every mission spawns a special door, inside that door is a mod which is corrupted and can be obtain using the key that the door requires. Corrupted mods are dual stat mods, they have one bonus offering and one negative effect. Augment ModsAugment Mods are weapon/warframe specific mods that are offered by the syndicates. Different syndicates have different mods.Click here to read more about Augment Mods Conclave ModsConclave Mods are mods that can be acquired from the conclave syndicate area that is located inside of the relays. These special mods can be only brought in conclave/PvP matches.
Primed ModsPrimed Mods are significantly improved versions of normal mods. These mods can be only obtained from Baro Ki’ Teer or by trading with other players. Riven ModsRiven Mods are special mods that were added in U19 “The War Within”. Riven mods can feature up to 4 different stats, sometimes the stat can be negative. One riven mod is awarded to every player upon completion of the quest called War Within, and other additional ones can be obtained by the completion of sorties.This page is being actively worked on, check out for more updates later on. Report this ad.
Contents.Alright, time to talk a bit about the so called “Void Trader” of Warframe also known as Baro Ki’Teer. Who is he?This guy visits with regular intervals and every time he does he stays for 48 hours.
He travels the warframe world and brings back exclusive items to trade with the players of Warframe, most popular items he brings back is Primed mods and rare mods that can be traded for a lot(!) of platinum on the market once obtained from him – or used to supercharge ones own weapons, warframes etc. Where can he be found?When the Void Trader arrives nowadays you usually get both an in-game inbox message as well as notification in the navigation hub pointing you to the Relay Station he has surfaced at. When does he arrive?The Void Trader arrives every two weeks and can be tracked on to more exact times. What are “ducats”?Ducats are the Void Traders very own currency used to trade with him to get the items he brings back. Ducats can be obtained by trading in prime parts in the console to the left of where the Void Trader is stationed in the Relay Station.Different prime parts are worth different amount of ducats, some 45, some 15, some 25 and in rare cases you might even be able to get 100 ducats(!) for a prime blueprint. Prime parts worth in Ducats tableThere is a table available at where, if you scroll down to “ducats” you can see “View sellable items and prices list” which will bring up the prime parts worth in ducats table. It’s quite huge so I feel its easier to refer to their table than to simply reinvent the wheel a second time for no apparent different reason.
Strategy to get rich on platinum with help of Void TraderBasically the Mods that the Void Trader brings are usually not brought with him two times in a row which makes buying a bunch of Primed mods – or rare mods that are very useful and attractive for players in general will be worth so much more platinum after the inflation when Void Trader have left and if you give it some time.I once earned 500 platinum per Primed Continuity because Void Trader hadn’t brought it with him for a few months:) Great way to earn platinum easily and guranteed. Patience is its own reward in the end:PMake sure to farm up good amounts of credits before Void Trader arrives – as well as “crappy” prime parts that can be exchanged for ducats since mods usually cost 150-175k credits per mod as well as 350+ ducats per mod. Tips N Tricks to get Ducats in exchange for small amounts of platinumOn warframe.market (if you do some research) you will be able to find that many of the prime part blueprints that can be exchanged for 45 or more ducats are sold for barely any platinum at all – which sometimes can make for the argument that it might be worth giving some small amounts of platinum for these parts on market – before Void Trader arrives to stack up ducats cheaply and without the hassle of having to farm a lot. Look at it as an investment for the potential prices you can sell the mods you buy from the Void Trader after the inflation has dissipated after Void trader left. Ducats farmingHave tons of Relics, then go run through capture missions, exterminate and other fast mission type variations to get most relics in shortest timespan before Void Trader arrives.