Posted on 09/12/09 @ 09:50 AMSo, if I download this, and plant it in the right place, will it affect the current version? Lets say this mod was made before 1.3, and you plant it in there, and iwhen steam updates to 1.3, it overwrites the mod, thus removing the mod? And vice versa, if it has been made before 1.3, and I would mod my 1.3 with this, will it corrupt the patch, thus removing some of the new fixes and features?And if so, could someone just simply tell us how to do it ourselves, so that no patch corruption would happen?And also, don't I recall CA telling people how easy it wil be to mod this game? What a load of crock. Just like everything else. But anyways,would be very apprechiative for any info on my questions.apenpaap. WARNING: DO NOT HOTLINK TO FILESCopyright © 2008–2009 HeavenGames LLC.
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