Product DescriptionThis book masterfully clarifies the nature of tantric practice. In contrast to the approaches of conventional religion, tantra does not attempt to soothe the turmoil of existence with consoling promises of heaven and salvation.


The tantric practitioner chooses to confront the bewildering and chaotic forces of fear, aggression, desire, and pride, and to work with them in such a way that they are channeled into creative expression, loving relationships, and wisely engaged forms of life. In order to make the processes of tantra psychologically intelligible for a contemporary reader, Rob Preece makes judicious use of the work of modern psychotherapy, forging a compelling link between a Western tradition that hearkens back to the alchemical traditions of our own past and the comparably alchemical strategies of Tibetan Buddhist tantric practices.

The Psychology Of Tantra

In keeping with the pragmatic and therapeutic aims of both psychotherapy and Buddhist meditation, The Psychology of Buddhist Tantra never loses sight of the central importance of applying these ideas to the concrete realities of day-to-day life. By illuminating the richly symbolic language of tantra through the intermediate language of psychology, The Psychology of Buddhist Tantra points to the transformative nature of tantric practices. Rob Preece's THE PSYCHOLOGY OF BUDDHIST TANTRA clarifies tantric practice, showing how an understanding of the forces of fear and aggression may be channeled into creative expression and love.

The Psychology Of Tantra Pdf

This blend of psychology and Buddhist principles allows readers to overcome common boundaries between Eastern philosophy and Western results-driven psychology, offering chapters based on Buddhist tantric strategies to keep results centered on life experience as well as spiritual purpose. The result is an outstanding melding of two often different philosophies. I thought this was a great book, worthy of several readings.

I just loaned my copy to some friends (one of which is dying), and will read it again when it's returned. The reason I used 'replace yourself' as a title is, deity practice essentially replaces the troubled ego. With practice we can all break through to enlightenment - but we find enlightenment is only another beginning. I found this quote in the book attributed to Gen Jampa Wangdu: 'Realizing emptiness is not difficult; the difficulty is maintaining this awareness.' If you have been looking for a style of meditation to follow this might be it. His drawings are also excellent. When traveling in a foreign land, an excellent guide eases the journey.

That's certainly true with the spiritual, and to the western mind Tantra can be a very strange journey. Before you choose Tantra as a spiritual path and invest your time, it's a good idea to find out what you might be getting yourself into. Tantra based on the Tibetan model is certainly wide spread in the United States, yet there is much about it still shrouded in mystery, myth, and misinformation. This book provides a welcome overview of what the practice of Tantric Buddhism entails.Rob Preece approaches the subject in a traditional way (Sections; Ground, Vessel, Process, Fruit) overlayed with western psychology, first describing its origins and then the role of the teacher. This can be a game stopper for many because the role of gurus has often been controversial.

There are ways of getting around the dangers and the author briefly discusses them. If you believe ahead of time you can't get past the guru, skip that section and go to the next, although it may prove equally alien to many in the west; deities, not as gods, but the projection of archetypes. Masha and bear subtitle indonesia. The author relates the subject to Jung's theories. Once past the section on deities you should be in for the long run. That will include discussion of chanting, prostrations, lung-prana (energy winds), the bodhisattva vow, retreats, sadhana with visualizations,dakas and dakinis, tummo (heat) practice, chakras. And mandalas.


It is indeed a very different journeyThere are two sections that should be read very carefully because they can easily be employed in a daily practice: A crystal clear description of the basic practice of Mahamudra beginning on page 126, and living in the Mandala of formation, transformation and recreation beginning on page 236.If you already have some familiarity with the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, you are ready for this book. It has taken a very esoteric subject and made it reader friendly.

Whether or not you decide Tantra is your cup of tea, it will leave you well informed on the basic psychology of Buddhist Tantra. This book is a great introduction to some of the practical aspects of engaging in Tantric Buddhism. Though this book seems to be geared towards beginners it provides some great insights into the psychology and pragmatic aspects of a very complex religous tradition.I have two primary complaints with the book. The first is that it can be quite redudent at some points. The second is that the author could have used some additional philosophical arguments in order to back up some of his ideas and thus make them more convincing. That being said, this is a great book for clarifying some of the more confusing aspects of the Tantric tradition. This book was recommend to me by my meditation teacher because I wanted to learn more about what Tibetan tantra really is versus popular misconceptions.

The Psychology Of Transgenderism

I really enjoyed the book and appreciate how Rob Preece touches on the challenges and needs of westerners based on our cultural background that are nonexistent in Tibetan culture. I have become fascinated with Tibetan art since reading this book due to the illustrations in this book really striking a cord with me. This book has helped me with my own practice and given me great insight into my own personal work.