The subreddit for Sega's mascot and all-around cool blue guy.Discussions are more than welcome, as are news articles, interesting links, or anything else Sonic related. That includes the games, comics, TV shows, or anything else related to the greater Sonic franchise. The Upcoming & Current Sonic Media Schedule GameDateSonic Mania AdventuresValentine's Day 2020Tips on being Way Past Cool™ Don't post offensive / NSFW content of any kind. Remember, minors browse here. This Includes:.
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Erotica literature / fanfiction. Politically-motivated or similar inflammatory remarks. General offensive content.Don't post low-effort content. Low effort means something you made in MS Paint in 2 minutes (i.e. Sonic Generations.
And this is coming from someone who grew up with the Genesis games. I still love and cherish my Dreamcast, and I play every Sonic game on it regularly too.
Yes, including Sonic Shuffle. I've got my nostalgia goggles strapped to my face as tight as they'll go, and Generations is still the best Sonic game on Steam.But let me elaborate. To me, Sonic games have always been about finesse, and this is the sort of gameplay Generations encourages. It's about getting through the levels as smoothly as possible.
It's about finding all the shortcuts and trying for the shortest time you can. I love it. You've reduced it to its minimum. However, the framerate doesn't exactly cause lag, but loss of precision(like the common complaints of missing input and such).The PC version runs twice the logic loops in a second, so it reacts much quicker to your input(if you press between the middle of two frames, you only have to wait half the time for the game to process your input).I confused myself above tho, the PS3 version definitely has a good deal of input lag(from testing audio on a separate device, not visually), the Xbox version is much better with that. I'm just saying not everybody has an up to date GPU, and some people might not realize you need a GPU that's much newer than the consoles for an equal experience. Not only that but GPU isn't the only important thing.
For example, I got a pretty good GPU recently, the GTX 480, but I still can't play even Assassin's Creed 1 at a decent frame rate, using my Phenom 9500 2.2ghz quad core cpu. I'm going to be upgrading to the phenom ii x4 965 3.4ghz quad core soon though, and while still not the best cpu, hopefully it should be able to play the games I want at decent speeds.And btw, my specs match the minimum and recommended system requirements, so you can't always rely on those either. I know a lot of people will say Sonic Adventure 2, but I prefer SA1.
There are three styles of play in SA2 and six in SA1. Out of the three in SA2, I only enjoy one (The Sonic/Shadow levels).
I know a lot of people agree with me. Out of the six in SA1, I enjoy four of them (The Sonic levels, the Tails levels, the E102 levels, and the Knuckles levels). So, essentially, I'm enjoying 2/3 of SA1, while I'm enjoying 1/3 of SA2. Also, I personally enjoy the story of SA1 better than SA2.But really, it will come down to Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Adventure 2, or Sonic Generations.Oh, and you can easily get S3+K ROMs for emulators, just saying.
2D: Sonic 3 & Knuckles3D: Sonic Adventure 1, Sonic Adventure 2 (don't know why but I still enjoy first one more than second one), Sonic Generations.3D non-steam: Sonic HeroesAnd since you have generations on xbox already then basically sa1 and sa2 sonic's gameplay is almost same as one in generation's levels from this games except for no boost and a bit different character movement physics. And worst camera ever in some places.Ah. Screw it.Sonic Adventure 1. Just because you can play as Big the Cat who is voiced by Jon St.
Sonic Unleashed in Japan known as Sonic World Adventure a computer game series Sonic the Hedgehog released in 2008 for consoles and mobile phones. 10 The project involved the creation of a studio Sonic Team and Dimps.The game takes place on a planet similar to Earth. In the story Dr. Eggman has turned the main character Sonic into a werewolf and woke antagonist Dark Gaia and the planet split into several parts. The blue hedgehog with his new friend Chip decided to restore the planet.
Gameplay is divided into two parts one part of the game action takes place in the daytime with the usual Sonic and the other - at night a werewolf. If the daily levels of gameplay does not differ from the previous games in the series the night the hedgehog does not have the ability to run fast but becomes much stronger and can stretch the arms over a greater length.
However the goal is the same passage - Sonic need to reach the end of the locations collecting rings on the way and destroying enemies.