.None1996-12-01Volume VIII of the documentation for the Phase I Data Analysis Task performed in support of the current Regional Flow Model, Transport Model, and Risk Assessment for the Nevada Test Site Underground Test Area Subproject contains the risk assessment documentation. Because of the size and complexity of the model area, a considerable quantity of data was collected and analyzed in support of the modeling efforts. The data analysis task was consequently broken into eight subtasks, and descriptions of each subtask's activities are contained in one of the eight volumes that comprise the Phase I Data Analysis Documentation.1979-06-01In this compendium each profile of a nuclear facility is a capsule summary of pertinent facts regarding that particular installation. The facilities described include the entire fuel cycle in the broadest sense, encompassing resource recovery through waste management. Power plants and all US facilities have been excluded.
To facilitate comparison the profiles have been recorded in a standard format. Because of the breadth of the undertaking some data fields do not apply to the establishment under discussion and accordingly are blank.
The set of nuclear facility profiles occupies four volumes; the profiles are ordered by country name, and then by facility code. Each nuclear facility profile volume contains two complete indexes to the information. The first index aggregates the facilities alphabetically by country. It is further organized by category of facility, and then by the four-character facility code. It provides a quick summary of the nuclear energy capability or interest in each country and also an identifier, the facility code, which can be used to access the information contained in the profile.1979-06-01In this compendium each profile of a nuclear facility is a capsule summary of pertinent facts regarding that particular installation. The facilities described include the entire fuel cycle in the broadest sense, encompassing resource recovery through waste management.
Power plants and all US facilities have been excluded. To facilitate comparison the profiles have been recorded in a standard format. Because of the breadth of the undertaking some data fields do not apply to the establishment under discussion and accordingly are blank. The set of nuclear facility profiles occupies four volumes; the profiles are ordered by country name, and then by facility code. Each nuclear facility profile volume contains two complete indexes to the information. The first index aggregates the facilities alphabetically by country.
It is further organized by category of facility, and then by the four-character facility code. It provides a quick summary of the nuclear energy capability or interest in each country and also an identifier, the facility code, which can be used to access the information contained in the profile.Haberman, W.1977-06-01A guide for evaluating the performance of commercially available physical protection equipment has been prepared for use by U.S. Separate evaluation procedures are provided for each generic type of equipment contained in the companion document, Catalog of Physical Protection Equipment (NUREG-0274). Among the equipment parameters evaluated are sensitivity, area/ volume of coverage, false/nuisance alarm rate, resistance to countermeasures, environmental requirements, installation parameters and maintenance. Four evaluation techniques are employed (inspections, analyses, demonstrations and tests); standard test equipment (both commercially available as well as developmental) to be used in the evaluation is listed.
The following categories of equipment are covered: surveillance and alarm assessment components, contraband detection components, automated response components, general purpose display components, and general purpose communication components.Zecevic, V.1963-12-01Permanent increase of radiation in the heavy water system was noticed during first three year of the RA reactor operation, even when the reactor was shutdown. It was found that there was no failure of the fuel element cladding.
Radioactive cobalt was found in the heavy water which was rather strange. During repair of the heavy water system, it has been found that stellite was used for coating the heavy water pumps. Since stellite is a cobalt alloy, this could have been the source of radioactive cobalt in the heavy water. The stellite coating was damaged due to friction and particle of cobalt appeared in the coolant, they were activated since they were in the core. Decontamination of the heavy water and the heavy water coolant loop was a must.
Beside the detailed report on the contamination and decontamination of the heavy water system this volume includes 14 annexes describing the investigation of the event and the whole procedure of decontamination.Raabe, P.H.1977-01-01The first seven volumes of the report series provide formal documentation of the status of the ERDA-sponsored Accident Initiation and Progression Analysis (AIPA) study as of the end of FY75. That portion of the report was given broad distribution to government agencies, industrial organizations, and academic institutions. Comments on the Status Report have been actively solicited from these and other organizations.
The volume presented (the eighth in the AIPA Status Report) documents all of the formal written comments that have been received as of September 30, 1976, together with the responses to those comments. The comments as presented are direct quotations from the manuscripts as submitted by the reviewers; none have been paraphrased. The comments are presented in the same order as submitted by the reviewers and are generally addressed individually.1980-02-01Volume 2 of the conference proceedings contains sessions on hadron physics, charged-lepton physics, the p-p-bar collider at CERN, future European accelerator possibilities, parallel discussion sessions (on high-energy) hadron-induced reactions, deep inelastic phenomena, hadron spectroscopy, weak ineractions and gauge theories, and quark confinement), and a closing session on gauge appreciation of developments in particle physics.
A list of participants is also included. Three of the papers in this volume have already been cited in ERA, and can be found as reference to the entry CONF-790642- in the Report Number Index.
The remaining 36 will be processed as they are received on the Atomindex tape. (RWR).Raabe, P.H.1977-01-01The first seven volumes of the report series provide formal documentation of the status of the ERDA-sponsored Accident Initiation and Progression Analysis (AIPA) study as of the end of FY75. That portion of the report was given broad distribution to government agencies, industrial organizations, and academic institutions. Comments on the Status Report have been actively solicited from these and other organizations. The volume presented (the eighth in the AIPA Status Report) documents all of the formal written comments that have been received as of September 30, 1976, together with the responses to those comments. The comments as presented are direct quotations from the manuscripts as submitted by the reviewers; none have been paraphrased.
The comments are presented in the same order as submitted by the reviewers and are generally addressed individually.Ika Pratiwi2016-07-01Full Text Available This research aims to produce a TIMSS characterized math problems that are valid and reliable. The method of this research is Design Research.
The sample of this study were 31 students of SMP Negeri 1 Inderalaya. The procedure of this study through the stages of Preliminary Evaluation and Formative Evaluation. Based on the results obtained 7 of TIMSS characterized with characteristics (1 using real-life contexts, (2 using characteristics of TIMSS, and (3 the type of problem-solving that problem logically and empirically valid and reliable. Valid logically be fulfilled from the results of the assessment validator, where the validator comment on the terms of the content, construct, and language. Valid empirically criteria for both internally for items validity and externally for the whole items validity. Items also expressed reliable with a high level of confidence as the test instrument through items with the analysis result reliability coefficient of 0,703.Keywords: TIMSS, Design Research, Problem Solving, Geometry, Volume Cube and Rectangular Prism.Zecevic, V Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Reaktor RA, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)1963-12-15Permanent increase of radiation in the heavy water system was noticed during first three year of the RA reactor operation, even when the reactor was shutdown.
It was found that there was no failure of the fuel element cladding. Radioactive cobalt was found in the heavy water which was rather strange. During repair of the heavy water system, it has been found that stellite was used for coating the heavy water pumps.
Since stellite is a cobalt alloy, this could have been the source of radioactive cobalt in the heavy water. The stellite coating was damaged due to friction and particle of cobalt appeared in the coolant, they were activated since they were in the core. Decontamination of the heavy water and the heavy water coolant loop was a must.
Beside the detailed report on the contamination and decontamination of the heavy water system this volume includes 14 annexes describing the investigation of the event and the whole procedure of decontamination. This page: //medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003678.htm Factor VIII assay To use the sharing features on. Is also a founding member of Hi-Ethics and subscribes to the principles of the Health.Factor VIII (FVIII) functions as a co-factor in the blood coagulation cascade for the proteolytic activation of factor X by factor IXa. Deficiency of FVIII causes hemophilia A, the most commonly inherited bleeding disorder. This review highlights current knowledge on selected aspects of FVIII in which both the scientist and the.Trueba, C.; Millan, R.; Schmid, T.; Lago, C.
Madrid (Spain); Roquero, C.; Magister, M. Madrid (Spain)1999-06-01The soil vulnerability determines the sensitivity of the soil after an accidental radioactive contamination due to Cs-137 and Sr-90. The Departamento de Impacto Ambiental de la Energia of CIEMAT is carrying out an assessment of the radiological vulnerability of the different Spanish soils found on the Iberian Peninsula. This requires the knowledge of the soil properties for the various types of existing soils. In order to achieve thin aim, a bibliographical compilation of soil profiles has been made to characterize the different soil types and create a database of their properties. Depending on the year of publication and the type of documentary source, the information compiled from the available bibliography is very heterogeneous.
Therefore, an important effort has been made to normalize and process the information prior ot its incorporation to the database. This volume presents the criteria applied to normalize and process the data as well as the soil properties of the various soil types belonging to the provinces of Toledo and Ciudad Real of the Comunidad Autonoma de Castilla-La Mancha. (Author) 32 refs.1978-03-01Recommendations for measures to strengthen the FEA enforcement program in the area of petroleum price regulation are presented. Results of task force efforts are presented in report and recommendations sections concerned with pending cases, compliance program organization, enforcement powers, compliance strategy, and audit staffing and techniques. (JRD).Benoudiba, F; Toulgoat, F; Sarrazin, J-L2013-10-01The vestibulocochlear nerve (8th cranial nerve) is a sensory nerve. It is made up of two nerves, the cochlear, which transmits sound and the vestibular which controls balance.
It is an intracranial nerve which runs from the sensory receptors in the internal ear to the brain stem nuclei and finally to the auditory areas: the post-central gyrus and superior temporal auditory cortex. The most common lesions responsible for damage to VIII are vestibular Schwannomas. This report reviews the anatomy and various investigations of the nerve.
Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.Milanese, Gianluca; Silva, Mario; Sverzellati, Nicola2016-03-01Several lung volume reduction (LVR) techniques have been increasingly evaluated in patients with advanced pulmonary emphysema, especially in the last decade. Radiologist plays a pivotal role in the characterization of parenchymal damage and, thus, assessment of eligibility criteria. This review aims to discuss the most common LVR techniques, namely LVR surgery, endobronchial valves, and coils LVR, with emphasis on the role of computed tomography (CT).
Several trials have recently highlighted the importance of regional quantification of emphysema by computerized CT-based segmentation of hyperlucent parenchyma, which is strongly recommended for candidates to any LVR treatment. In particular, emphysema distribution pattern and fissures integrity are evaluated to tailor the choice of the most appropriate LVR technique. Furthermore, a number of CT measures have been tested for the personalization of treatment, according to imaging detected heterogeneity of parenchymal disease. CT characterization of heterogeneous parenchymal abnormalities provides criteria for selection of the preferable treatment in each patient and improves outcome of LVR as reflected by better quality of life, higher exercise tolerance, and lower mortality.Mega Purnamasari2017-12-01Full Text Available Sebagai pendidik, guru memiliki tanggung jawab besar terkait dengan kegiatan pembelajaran dan hasil belajar siswa terhadap materi yang disampaikan mengingat kemampuan dasar siswa terhadap materi belajar. Matematika berbeda-beda. Oleh itu guru harus pandai memilih strategi pembelajaran yang tepat dan sesuai dengan keadaan kelas.
Pembelajaran drill merupakan salah satu alternatif pembelajaran yang menggabungkan antara belajar individu dan kelompok. Pada pembelajaran ini siswa terlebih dahulu diharuskan memahami materi dan mengerjakan soal yang ada secara individu, setelah itu siswa berdiskusi dengan teman satu kelompoknya untuk saling berbagi hasil pemikiran masing-masing. Keberhasilan siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran dilihat dari hasil belajar yang diperoleh berupa nilai ulangan harian yang dilaksanakan dalam tiap akhir siklus.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar matematika pada materi kubus dan balok dengan penerapan metode drill. Penelitian ini diperuntukan bagi kelas VIII. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah tes dan non tes.
Instrumen tes berupa tes tulis yang digunakan untuk mengukur hasil dan ketuntasan belajar, sedangkan instrumen non tes berupa lembar observasi dan wawancara, yang digunakan untuk melihat aktivitas siswa dan peneliti dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan suatu peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I, siklus II, dan siklus III. Data tentang hasil belajar siswa pada materi kubus dan balok, pada siklus I persentase sebesar 57,7%, pada siklus II persentase meningkat menjadi 84,62%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode drill dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi kubus dan balok.None1996-12-01Volume VII of the documentation for the Phase I Data Analysis Task performed in support of the current Regional Flow Model, Transport Model, and Risk Assessment for the Nevada Test Site Underground Test Area Subproject contains the tritium transport model documentation.
Because of the size and complexity of the model area, a considerable quantity of data was collected and analyzed in support of the modeling efforts. The data analysis task was consequently broken into eight subtasks, and descriptions of each subtask's activities are contained in one of the eight volumes that comprise the Phase I Data Analysis Documentation.1985-01-01Derivation of learning targets from task analyses requires consideration of all process steps relevant to safety. This supplement volume indicates the functions they serve, classes of tasks, list of tasks, an example of task solution, the class of tasks 'abnormal operation' (heavy water reator), the definition of learning stages, the list of verbs for relating learning to stages, descriptors for technical and abnormal operation (heavy water reactor), verification of descriptors, and connection of action and learning targets by descriptors.
(DG) de.Herting, Megan M.; Nagel, Bonnie J.2012-01-01In rodents, exercise increases hippocampal neurogenesis and allows for better learning and memory performance on water maze tasks. While exercise has also been shown to be beneficial for the brain and behavior in humans, no study has examined how exercise impacts spatial learning using a directly translational water maze task, or if these relationships exist during adolescence – a developmental period which the animal literature has shown to be especially vulnerable to exercise effects. In this study, we investigated the influence of aerobic fitness on hippocampal size and subsequent learning and memory, including visuospatial memory using a human analogue of the Morris Water Task, in 34 adolescents. Results showed that higher aerobic fitness predicted better learning on the virtual Morris Water Task and larger hippocampal volumes. No relationship between virtual Morris Water Task memory recall and aerobic fitness was detected. Aerobic fitness, however, did not relate to global brain volume, or verbal learning, which might suggest some specificity of the influence of aerobic fitness on the adolescent brain. This study provides a direct translational approach to the existing animal literature on exercise, as well as adds to the sparse research that exists on how aerobic exercise impacts the developing human brain and memory.