1. Upgrade Uscg License 500 Ton To 1600 Ton Master Requirements For Sale
  2. Upgrade Uscg License 500 Ton To 1600 Ton Master Requirements Form
  3. 500 Ton Master Upgrade

Now that I have had a few days to decompress and recover, here is my best advice for anyone working on that next upgrade.Pre-requisites and Approval to Test:The very first step in this process is to submit an application to the U.S. Coast Guard (National Maritime Center, via your Regional Exam Center).

An evaluator at the NMC will determine that you have the required sea time on appropriate tonnage and routes and that you have completed all of the required endorsements. (Find the quick-and-easy guide to any license or rating in the ).At a minimum, and only prior to Dec. 31, 2016., this will include: Bridge Resource Management, AB (Special, Limited or Unlimited)/Able Seafarer-Deck; Lifeboatman (the qualifying course is called Proficiency in Survival Craft or PSC-Lifeboatman), Rating Forming Part of a Navigation Watch (RFPNW) Assessments, Radar Observer Unlimited, STCW Basic Safety Training or Basic Training and Advanced Firefighting.You have choices for these courses. I know a couple of guys who taught themselves all or some of the t-nav calculations and formulae; my hat is off. For the rest of us mere mortals, I strongly recommend a prep course or a tutor.

If you would like to know who I used and how to get in touch him, e-mail me or send me a message.Because he absolutely rocked, and he didn't teach answers, he taught theory and process - processes I can use for the rest of my career.Plan on spending $2000-$3000 and three weeks, including evenings and weekends, learning and practicing.Your plots will include t-nav problems, so plotting should be part of your test prep and is usually included in a prep course. Plotting, like most things in life, gets better with practice, so practice. A lot.Your t-nav test prep course probably won't include a whole lot of rules, deck safety, deck gen or nav gen (though my instructor did spend a couple of hours reviewing each and teaching things like stowage factor, dewpoint and relative humidity, and stability - and we completed a rules test each morning). So, again, study that stuff before you get to class.Here's what you'll need for t-nav and plotting. Get the if you can find it (used is fine!); it's the one that will be in the test room and, for my middle-aged eyes, some of the tables were much easier to read. Everything else, including page numbers, is the same in the soft binding.The 1981 Nautical Almanac, and 1983 Reprint from Tide and Current Tables and 1983 Reprint from the Light Lists., and elsewhere.It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway.

For the purposes of testing, and for test prep, you must use the 1981/1983 versions of the publications listed above. In practical application, the current versions work the same way, but all of the Coast Guard's test questions are based on the years above, and they continue to be reprinted for only that purpose.Navigation Rules, August 2014, and elsewhere.

I noticed that online, you are offered options to schedule up to three days. These are actually 'start' days - the RECs know that you will have a minimum of six modules.You must complete two modules per day, in any order you desire.

Upgrade Uscg License 500 Ton To 1600 Ton Master Requirements For Sale

Upgrade uscg license 500 ton to 1600 ton master requirements for sale

If you fail one, that module goes to the end of the line and you may retest immediately upon completing the other modules or anytime within 90 days. Fail three and you must start the entire cycle over again.If you decide to test for both master and mate, as I and several others did, you may begin with either master or mate, but must complete that entire cycle before beginning the next one.

One useful strategy with regard to this arrangement is to save deck safety and deck gen for day two (or three) of your first cycle, and begin with deck safety and deck gen of the next cycle the same day.Our examiner allowed us to review the exams immediately after grading to see what we missed. I strongly recommend doing this if you do not score 100 percent on any given module.The exam room is chock-full of reference materials, which you are free to access for any module other than Navigation Rules. Many of the answers to questions in Nav Gen, Deck Gen and Deck Safety are in these references.

Upgrade Uscg License 500 Ton To 1600 Ton Master Requirements Form

Give yourself time to look them up. If you are familiar with the CFRs (and Bowditch, the Light List and Pub. 102) when you go in, this will speed things up for you.When completing your plot, be sure to use the Light List to verify that you are plotting bearings or ranges to the correct light or feature.

Each plot (for mate, anyway) usually has at least one question that is answered in the Coast Pilot, as well.Once you have successfully completed testing, your examiner will email the scores to NMC and your new license will be issued without further action on your part. If you fail any modules, again, you have up to 90 days to retest those modules (the ones you passed, unless you failed three or more, still count).Take advantage of the time to brush-up on the subjects you had trouble with and go back confident that the second time is the charm.Of course we all want to master the material and nail the exams on the first go-around, but nowhere, on anyone's merchant mariner credential, is there a section that shows your test scores or how many times you repeated a test. Just like the guy who was last in his class in med school and squeaked through the boards is still called 'Doctor,' you will still get a credential and a shot at proving yourself in the wheelhouse.A last note on the REC: I suppose it might be respectful to show up in long pants and real shoes, but most of the guys who tested at the same time I did wore shorts and flip-flops.

500 Ton Master Upgrade

This is partly because it was July on the Texas Gulf Coast. But no eyebrows were raised, and it wasn't a problem. Be comfortable - those hours in the exam room are like dog hours; a full day feels a little like a week.Near Coastal or Oceans?The difference between the Near Coastal and Oceans licenses is a matter of celestial navigation, which is an additional module, and different Nav General (and possibly Deck General - I'm not clear on this) modules.

T-Nav gets you about halfway to C-Nav, from what I can tell, and it makes sense to build on that - immediately or later. I initially thought I would do it immediately, but belatedly decided that following the advice of some friends to add that route later was the better part of valor.My navigation tutor used an example from antiquity: the dog who saw his reflection in the water and decided he wanted.that. bone, too, so dropped the one in his mouth to grab it and ended up with nothing.From a practical perspective, it doesn't matter at all for most oil patch jobs - by default, nearly all of the domestic billets will be on vessels operating within the 200-nautical mile limit.

Likewise for harbor tugs.Where it would make a difference is in working foreign, in some jobs in the Pacific Northwest, or in ocean towing, so it's worthwhile to consider for those reasons.Finally.Hawsepipin' aint easy. If you're doing it, you already know this.If I had it all to do over again, knowing what I know now, I would have got myself to one of the maritime academies right out of high school.If I knew then what I know now, and it had been available a little later in life, I might have opted for, which by all accounts is a terrific program.As it stands, I've been able to make a decent living and I've learned a lot of practical and boat-handling skills doing it this way. Swgemu basilisk jump to lightspeed 2. It's taken a little longer, but at the end of the day I took and passed the same test academy grads take with a just year more invested (and zero student loan debt - well, from this experience, anyhow).It will take me a little longer to receive the same license the academy grads get, but from a practical and experiential standpoint I feel like I'm ahead of the game.Still, I am mindful that the credential - the license - only says 'You May.'

It says nothing about 'You Can.' It's just a ticket to try.I'm looking forward to trying.This applies only if you began qualifying training or sea service prior to March 24, 2014. That means one day of sea service or training for one endorsement prior to that date. If you don't have this, or are testing for your upgrade after the beginning of 2017, you will, at a minimum, also have to complete courses in ship handling, stability, meteorology and search and rescue.The assessments are a bit of a catch-22 for most hawsepipers, or at least those taking the wheelhouse-wheelhouse route: they require an STCW-endorsed officer (500GT or better, usually) to sign-off on them, but prior to upgrading, guys coming from the 100-ton world usually won't have access to such a person for the length of time needed to do the assessments. Add the OICNW endorsement later, post-upgrade, or spend a week and $1300 getting them done in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.