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In Honor of appontment to the Jedi Council. I thought I would share an essay on the Jedi Council and the Mando Wars I have been working on for weeks. This essay was self imposed, not ordered by my master or any senior Master of the Council. It is a lesson I am ruminating on and that bears relevance to the importance of the Jedi Council.THE LEGACY OF THE JEDI DURING THE MANDOLORIAN WARS“Era: Old RepublicDate: Circa 3961-64 BBYThe Mandolorian Wars, the last part of a longer conflict called the Mandalorian-Jedi War, was a time the Jedi Order was divided. The High Council sought neutrality, not wanting to plunge into another war so soon after the Great Hyperspace War.


Jedi Knights of the likes of Revan and Malak became incensed by inaction as the Mandos under their newly christened leader, Mand’alor began to invade more and more systems, causing great suffering to innocent sentients. Against the will of the Jedi Council, Revan and Malak with a handful of Jedi Knights waged a campaign against the Mandalorians. This resistance faction, called the Revanchists or Jedi Crusaders, took orders from one leader, Revan, who upon vowing to defeat the Mandos and wipe their scourge from the galaxy, dawned the mask of a female Mandalorian on the planet Cathar.

The Revanchists had a schism, known as the Mandalorian Knights, Jedi who were disaffected and distrusted what they called the “corrupt Republic.” Contrary to the Revanchists who sought to route the Mandos, and aid the Republic troops, the Mandalorian Knights joined the Mandos, seeking to create a hybrid Jedi-Mando Order under the leadership of Dorjander Kace. Kace believed the Mandos were pure because “they believed in something,” unlike the Republic and “its decadent dry rotted core words.”The splintering of the Jedi during these wars is a lesson in the power of passion, “there is no passion, there is serenity.” In both fringe cults, Revanchists and Mando Knights, there was a cult of personality. The Revanchists followed Revan, who promised a galaxy free of Mandalorian brutality, while the Mandolorian Knights served Dorjander Kace, who believed in the Mandalorian Way, and that its honor or Ijaat could create a new era for a galaxy that had trusted in the eroding Republic. Both leaders on opposite sides, Revan and Dorjander were passionate; fueled by their mutual hatreds of what they each represented; they seeking a utopia based in their saber strokes. While Revan wore the Mando Mask in his pledge to annihilate the Mandalorian threat, Kace wore his Mando mask in hopes a new dynasty would dawn when Mandalorian honor (Ijaat) would reign across the galaxy. In the end, Revan and Kace were consumed. Revan was seduced in his search of the outer rim planets by the Sith Emperor, who secretly had placed Mand’alor in power to incite war, much as Palpatine would do later via the Clone Wars.

Kace trying to infiltrate a Jedi Enclave was discovered by Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick, he was taken to trial, and the Mando Knights were disbanded. Revan’s story ended more brightly, after an encounter with Jedi Sentinel Bastila Shan, the Sith Lord Darth Revan was apprehended, and his memory wiped by the Jedi Council on Dantooine. The newly revived Revan learned the ways of the Jedi once more, led his crew to destroy the Stareforge, a facility that could create endless ships and warriors at ease. There Revan confronted his old apprentice and former Revanchist Darth Malak, becoming Jedi Prodigal and “Saviour of the galaxy.”The lesson of the Mandalorian Wars is that passion is a path to perdition. Revan and Kace believed they knew better than the Jedi Council and stepping out from their oversight and authority. They waged war and developed their own ideologies that in the end were a product of the machinations of the Sith Emperor. The Dark Side lured Revan and Kace into rebellion against the Jedi Order, and into a war fabricated by the Dark Lord of the Sith.

The Revanchists and Mandalorian Knights were seduced by Bogan via passion to stray from the Jedi Path and become warmongers rather than peacekeepers. The Mandalorian Knights fell at first more deeply, utilizing sabotage and terrorism against the Republic, but the Revanchists surpassed insolence when they followed Revan to the Sith Emperor and became acolytes of darkness, enemies of the Jedi in spirit as well as in flesh. Both Revan and Kace believed they were doing right, that their “intentions were for the best,” they saw themselves as reformers and pioneers, but their follies nearly destroyed them. For “the best intentions pave the way to hell,” and indeed hell was unleashed on the Republic and the Jedi Order via the terrorism of the Mando Knights and the Sith Armada under Darth Revan and Darth Malak.The take away from this divided time in our Order’s history is the lesson that we must trust the will of the Jedi Council.

We may want to reform and change aspects of the Jedi Path, but there is a reason the Jedi Order has survived tens of thousands of generations. That reason is serenity, or surrender to the Will of the Force, and the wisdom of the Elders on the Jedi Council.

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If we learn one thing from Revan and Kace’s stories, it is passion and thinking we, the individual, knows best, leads to unspeakable betrayal and evil that lurks in the galaxy. In the end, the Jedi Council that refused to join in the Mando Wars was right, it had all been a ruse of the Sith Emperor, something undoubtedly the Council Members sensed, but Revan and Kace did not.We must not be baited by Bogan into war, nor be led by passion, “A Jedi does not seek out battles, but neither does she turn her back on battle, when it finds her.” (Thon, Old Republic). For the near ruination of the Jedi has stemmed from Jedi Knights who did not curb their passions.

Revan and Kace allowed themselves to be duped by the Dark Side into open rebellion to the Republic and Jedi Order, and Anakin Skywalker led by his passions would join their betrayal and become the enforcer of Order 606, The Jedi Purge. For passion is the path of the Sith, “through passion, I gain strength,” (Sith Code) but the Jedi Way is to surrender of our passions, “there is no passion, there is serenity.” (Jedi Code). Let us learn a hard lesson from this period of conflict.”Essay by Kato Sai,Jedi PadawanKyber Ack’s Apprentice.


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