1. Open Civil War Skyrim Lag

The Empire is not what it used to be. During Morrowind I was happy to serve the legion and the Empire. Even in Oblivion things were better.

Now though, so much has changed and for the worse. The Empire is not what it used to be nor will it remain as it is for much longer if things don't change. It really isn't a Empire anymore.The Empire conquered all the provinces or brought them into their fold. No one can say anything for the provinces withdrawing or becoming independent if they so choose. It may not be good for them in the long run but they have the right. Ah that was more directed at Jarif, guess I should've tagged or quoted him.without the Dragonborn & Season Unending, The Empire still has Markarth and even if the Stormcloaks get Markarth in Season Unending Ulfric can't hold it.

So that leaves Solitude, Markarth,Whiterun (Possibly Riften if Season Unending). Whereas the Stormcloaks have Windhelm which is bankrupt and possibly Riften if season unending does not occur. In Riften however we have Maven who gains from Imperial control and can have the Guild simply unlock the gates and let the legion in. Readmore.Stormcloaks don't represent all of Skyrim, it's a Civil War because the Eastern Holds rose up in arms against the Western Holds. Stormcloaks can't afford a war with the Empire, Ulfric is cautious of upsetting Cyrodiil.' We're ready to march on Solitude, but the Emperor's is getting married! If royal blood was spilt, all of would be up in arms.

We can't afford an all out war with the Empire. So we'll bide our time for now.' - Ulfric StormcloakGeneral Tullius only came to Skyrim recently, being personally requested by the Emperor to deal with the Civil War. I don't ever recall fighting other Nords under a Jarls' banner while fighting as the Stormcloaks (not counting Hold guards), only Imperial Legion soldiers. Honestly the entire civil war was boring and a let down.

IT doesn't even make sense to have a war while dragons burn the land down but that really doesn't ever come into play. You don't hear any of the leaders saying, hey, maybe we shouldn't be out on the battlefield or siege this town cause, you know, a dragon may fly by and burn both sides to the ground.It would have made more sense in the game had the Imperial Legion had a smaller, tiny role to play, andinstead you had two opposing Jarls' fighting the war. But since the Stormcloaks are seeking more than just a local regime change. There are more mines and resources in Skyrim than Cyrodiil at least represented in the game. More than ample enough to equip an army. Way I see it, neither side will win.

They'll continue to expel resources and soldiers until they're both too weakened to continue. The Thalmor are playing the game of chess, they're aiding the Stormcloaks currently. Giving Nords reasons to rush to join Ulfric, but also trying to keep Ulfric out of the hands of the Imperials. This is noted by Hadvar on how Ulfric always managed to evade capture 'As if he knew exactly where it would happen' They provide indirect Stormcloak aid, but carefully managed. While they're aiding the Stormcloaks, they're also fighting Stormcloaks in the wild, where you see clashes between Thalmor and Stormcloak soldiers. So they're keeping a balance, making sure both sides gain no clear advantage.Adding in the Dragonborn on a side harms their plans, so you wouldn't be surprised to find a Thalmor execution order with your name on it.

What's perhaps most interesting to me in all of this is that both sides appear to try to play down the present conflict, to try to suggest that it's only a brief sideshow attraction or an overture of sorts. A volley of warning shots. Ulfric himself says that he cannot risk an open war with Cyrodiil, so if that's the case and he doesn't consider what he's engaging in now to be full-on 'war', I have to wonder what would happen to the rebellion if the proverbial red line were to be crossed. It's not something the Empire wants either, because it threatens to re-route the Legion troops along the Dominion border for deployment in Skyrim.

And that serves no one's interests when it comes to future engagement with the Aldmeri.

Before displaying the load order, add-on mods such as Frostfall must be loaded under their root mod on the screen ( Campfire: Complete Camping System). Frostfall will load later of course, but for it to work, it’s dependent root mod Campfire must be first (higher on the list) and since it must remain above everything, this specific dependency is easy to manage.Taken Straight From AleithianINTRODUCTION: This is the product of Aleithian testing mod load orders on Xbox One. His list (later in guide) changes as he changes his personal mod selection and as new mods come out. At any given time, he can’t guarantee that the load order won’t cause glitches or CTDs.This list is the result of a general guide to load order on Nexus , a guide on Bethesda.net , reasonably extensive in-game testing, and direct discussion with modders on Bethesda.net.REQUESTS: If you want help with your mod list, first rearrange the list according to the Structure given below. Reordering a mod list is time-consuming, and Aleithian and myself do not have a huge amount of free time, so please first make a good-faith effort to reorder your list.“NOT ENOUGH STORAGE SPACE” GLITCH: If you get this message when installing mods, even though you have enough space, there’s no easy fix at the moment. You need to go to Skyrim Manage Game Delete reserved memory. This will wipe all your mods but will also clear the glitch.

The fastest way to reinstall a large mod list is to search for and install your mods in order, i.e. Start with USSEP and move down the list. Using a keyboard to enter the mod names rather than the controller will also speed things up.MY NOTES BEFORE ALEITHIAN’S STRUCTURE:This is cleanly figured out by redditor Aleithian and the rest of the team on the Skyrim reddit community that has worked with him. They discovered and tested the mod load order by type extensively without any problems. Use this basic guide for knowing where to place newly installed mods. In the next page, I will show you my personal load order based off this guide designed by Aleithian and the reddit team.QUIRKS: Some mods that you wouldn’t think include a certain type of change, do in fact include that change.

A good example is KS Lite, which many seem to think includes only hair. But it includes facial content too due to the way Bethesda coded hair. Hence, any facial mod that you want to run needs to be placed after KS Lite, or any other hair mod. Mods that change bodies also need to be placed after mods that change faces to avoid neck seams and pixilated faces. Be attentive to mod descriptions and comments on Bethesda.net.

Remember that mods lower in the list overwrite mods higher in the list.STRUCTURE:. Bug fixes (e.g. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch). Structure and UI Mods;. Overhauls (e.g. Campfire and Frostfall). Mission and content correction (e.g.

Open Civil War Skyrim Lag

Cutting Room Floor). Difficulty/level list mods. Race mods. Perk mods. UI mods. Cheat mods. Missions/Quests;.


Environmental mods;. Global mesh mods (e.g. SMIM). Weather/lighting mods.

Foliage mods. Sound mods. Buildings;.

Mods that add distributed or worldwide content (Dolmen Ruins or Oblivion Gates). Mods that add or expand settlements. Mods that add individual buildings. Mods that modify building interiors. Items;. Item packs.

Individual items. Gameplay;. AI mods (e.g. Immersive Citizens).

Robust gameplay changes (e.g. Marriage All, Alternate Start). Expanded armor (e.g.


Magic Books, Pouches). Crafting mods. Other gameplay mods (e.g. Rich Merchants, Faster Greatswords). NPCs;.

Overhauls (e.g. Diverse Dragons). Populated series.

Other additions. Appearance mods;.

Hairdo mods. Adorable Females. Face mods. Body mesh mods (e.g.

Seraphim, Beautiful Mistresses, Dimon99 and Maevan2 Female body). Natural Eyes. Other appearance mods. Texture mods;. Patches;. Patches for earlier mods (e.g. The Apocalypse-Ordinator Compatibility Patch).

Patches that alter content. Patches that disable content or purport to improve performance. Mods that mod creators request should appear last (e.g. Go Away Clouds!).BASIC MOD LIST: Many Xbox users simply want a short list of major mods that modify some basic aspects of their game, without adding the kind of content Aleithian has in his list below. You should be able to select any mods from the list below and use them together (mods in italics may require some adjustment of the rest of the list).

If you want a short list of mods, just extract the mods you want from the list below and place them in the indicated order. Be sure to check the patch section at the end – some mods require patches to work together.Aleithian’s Extended Load Order (Recurrently Updated)Mods in italics are no longer active in his load queue, but are popular. They are included to show you where to put them. Some require patches that he doesn’t list, and some are outright incompatible with mods in his list.