Maxis enables cheats intentionally in The Sims 4, so you can't get in trouble for using them. However, they're primarily meant as a way for the developer to test gameplay. That means Maxis can turn any cheat off at any time, and cheats are often broken when updates come out. For example, death and ghost cheats were broken by a Sims 4 game update. If any specific cheat doesn't work, you can either wait to see if it's fixed in a future update, or look for an unofficial mod that restores the cheat.

SimsSims 4 career promotion cheat critic

How to Enable Cheats in The Sims 4 on Xbox One. What the Cheat DoesHow to Perform the CheatAdds 50,000 Simoleons to your bank account.Type motherlode into the cheat console.Adds 1,000 Simoleons to your bank account.Type kaching into the cheat console.Adds 1,000 Simoleons to your bank account.Type rosebud into the cheat console.Changes the amount in your bank account to the specified number.Type money into the cheat console, followed by the amount you want, e.g. Money 100000.Allows you to buy houses and lots without paying.Note: Must be used in the neighborhood view.Type FreeRealEstate on into the cheat console.


What the Cheat DoesThe Cheat CodeRomanceLTRRomanceMainFriendshipLTRFriendshipMainFriendship with PetsLTRSimToPetFriendshipMainIntroduces the selected sim to all the other sims in the neighborhood, providing them with an acquaintance level relationship with everyone.Type relationship.introducesimtoallothers into the cheat console.Immediately spawns a brand new sim on your lot that is friends with the currently selected sim.Type relationship.createfriendsforsim into the cheat console. The Skill to AlterThe Cheat CodeFishingMajorFishingMischiefMajorMischiefGuitarMajorGuitarBartendingMajorBartendingProgrammingMajorProgrammingGardeningMajorGardeningGourmet CookingMajorGourmetCookingComedyMajorComedyCharismaMajorCharismaWritingMajorWritingVideo GamingMajorVideoGamingViolinMajorViolinRocket ScienceMajorRocketSciencePaintingMajorPaintingPianoMajorPianoLogicMajorLogicHandinessMajorHandinessCookingMajorHomestyleCookingFitnessSkillFitness.

Our The Sims 4 StrangerVille Cheats List Guide will walk you through a full list of console commands that will help you complete some of the more tedious tasks or just get you to the fun stuff quicker!StrangerVille is the newest expansion for The Sims 4. This is a bit of a wacky one, and revolves around you finding evidence and trying to figure out how to stop whatever is making the sim characters turn wacky! How-to Enable Cheats in The Sims 4Enabling cheats in The Sims 4 is relatively easy.

How To Cheat Promote Sims 4

Just open up the game and load up your sims. Press and hold Control + Shift + C on your keyboard. This will bring up a white box at the top left part of your screen. This opens up what is referred to as a 'console' in most games. You can now type cheats into it and press Enter to input the cheat.If you want to enable cheats through clicking on things, you can type ' testingcheats on' (without the quotes) to enable this ability.

Sims 4 Career Cheats

You can turn this off by inputting ' testingcheats off' if you so desire. This gives you the ability to hold Shift and Left Click on a sim or any other object in the world to give you options like making your sim happy or disabling need decay. You can also Shift and Left Click places on the map to teleport a sim there. The Sims 4 StrangerVille Cheats ListHere's a quick list of some cheats that are specific to the StrangerVille expansion. There's not a ton, so I'm going to list some of the useful Sims 4 cheats in the section below this one.

CheatDescriptioncareers.promote militaryThis enables you to promote yourself in the new StrangerVille Military Career. If you get high enough in the career, you'll eventually be able to become either an officer or a covert agent.Traits.Equiptrait ParanoidIf you would like to give yourself the new Paranoid trait from StrangerVille then this command will do it.