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After you've installed Cheat Engine, go ahead and run it. You're also going to have to run Mortal Kombat X in the background. So be prepared to do a little bit of Alt+Tab'ing.After running Cheat Engine you'll be greeted by a page that looks like this:Next click the little computer screen icon.After that, you'll be seeing a process list. Go ahead and find 'MK10.exe' Select it, then click on 'Open'.After you've done that, you're going to want to figure out just how many Koins you REALLY have.

Mortal Kombat X Cheat Engine

So go in-game and check. Here I have 10,000. Make sure to remember the number of Koins you have. (If not, you can always Alt+Tab back into the game to check.)Now that we know how many Koins we have, we can begin searching for our Value Address. On Cheat Engine you'll see a search bar titled 'Value:' Go ahead and enter the amount of Koins you have into that search bar. Remember that if you have a value that includes a comma in-game, (12,000 for instance) the comma(s) should NOT be used in Cheat Engine. Cheat Engine will search for an incorrect value if you use a comma.After you've entered your value, you're going to click 'New Scan'.

Mortal Kombat Xl Save

And you'll notice the absolutely absurd amount of equal values. For me it was 1,134. There's no way we can find our Value Address in that.Because we need to thin out the amount of values to search through, we're gonna need to change the amount of Koins we currently have. I did so by killing one of the jumpscare monsters in the Krypt. Which changed my Koins to 10,400. However, you can do so anyway you choose.(E.G. Spending them in the Krypt, getting a flawless victory, and so on.

It doesn't matter, as long as the amount changes.)Now that we have a different amount, let's go ahead and put that new value in Cheat Engine. After you've done that, hit 'Next Scan' After doing so, you'll notice that the amount of equal values has changed SIGNIFICANTLY. From 1,134 to 8, great googly moogly.Now in the list of addresses, you're gonna need to find address 'A201D9E9F8'. Right click it, and hit 'Change value of selected addresses'.

Then feel free to change the value to whatever amount of Koins you want.Bear in mind that a value can become SO high that it becomes negative. So keep your Koin values to something within reason. 2 or 3 million sounds good, right?At any rate, for this example, I only want 1.After this is done, you may notice something like this:The numbers and values become red. This is OKAY. It just signifies that the values have been changed.But now that your Koin value has been changed, feel free to go into the Krypt to check if it worked.Spoiler Alert: It did. Now we're pretty much done.But DON'T close Cheat Engine yet!There's something else I want to show you. Once you've finished being a dirty cheater (Don't worry friend, it happens to the best of us.) go ahead and right-click Address 'A201D9E9F8' and click 'add selected addresses to addresslist'.After that's done, go to the upper left-hand corner and click 'File', then click 'Save as'Save this address table anywhere you can access it.

If you plan on changing the value of your Koins frequently, your desktop is a good place to save it. Think of what this is saving as a shortcut to Cheat Engine. A shortcut that also happens to have the Value Address of your Koins saved for easy changing.Once this is done, you're welcome to close Cheat Engine.

Yes, even if Mortal Kombat X is still running.Now next time you run Cheat Engine from that new shortcut we just made, you'll see the same screen as before, except your Value Address is at the bottom.You can't edit that address until you run 'MK10.exe' just like before. Because you'll notice the area that says 'Value' has '??' But once you do, you'll see this pop up:That's just asking you if you would like to use the address from your shortcut.

Obviously, hit 'yes'.You may be confused as to how you change the values of the address when it's at the bottom. Don't worry, it's quite straight forward. Right click it, hover over 'Change record' then click 'Value'. Then you'll notice the value text turns red, you can now change it to whatever you'd like.