
Delete Files On D Drive Windows 10

Windows 10 remove partition from hard drive

Helps protect your data from drive failures and extend storage over time as you add drives to your PC. You can use Storage Spaces to group two or more drives together in a and then use capacity from that pool to. These storage spaces typically store two copies of your data so if one of your drives fails, you still have an intact copy of your data. If you run low on capacity, just.If you in Windows 10 or, you'll be able to remove a drive from it. The data stored on that drive will be moved to other drives in the pool, and you'll be free to use the drive for something else.This tutorial will show you how to remove a drive from a storage pool for storage spaces in Windows 10.You must be signed in as an to remove a drive from a storage pool.Here's How:1. Open, click/tap on the System icon, click/tap on Storage on the left side, and click/tap on the Manage Storage Spaces link on the right side.

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(see screenshot below).