Hi guys,I installed Windows 10 x64 via Parallels on my Mac Pro 2013 with Mac OS 10.12.4 (Sierra, actual version). In Windows settings I cannot change the screen resolution (it's greyed out) so it's always set on 1024x768.

  1. Can't Change Resolution In Windows 10

Can't Change Resolution In Windows 10

Screen resolution is 2560x1440. Connected via Display Port. I tried to switch the full screen modi at Parallel's 'Windows 10 Settings - Options - Full Screen' but it doesn't fix it.I'm still using the trial version of Parallels Desktop. Maybe this is the reason?

If I could solve the issue, I'll buy it.Thanks for your help!Niko. OK, I'll sum up all the steps I did:I want to give Windows 10 a higher resolution than 1024x768.1. I startet Parallel Desktop 12 for Mac - Version 12.2.0 (41591) - it's still a trial version!2. I startet Windows 10 and shut it down properly via 'Parallel Desktop - Shut down'.3. Look at the Screenshots - These are my options.

I can't make any changes like 'Best for Retina Displays' - it's not there. (Besides, my display is a Dell U2711, connected via DisplayPort with 2560x1440 px / I already tried to connect another display via DVI - 1680x1050 px). Only 1 Display is connected in general.4. In Windows 10 I cannot change the resolution. It's greyed out - that's the problem. I tried to start Windows 10 in 'window mode' or 'fullscreen mode' - no effect. I switched the DirectX v9 / v10 mode and the VSync option - both no effect.

In the Parallel Desktop Settings I changed at 'Options - Full Screen' all the options (also 'Scaled etc.' ) - no effect. Of course I shut windows properly down every time before making a new change in the Parallel settings.Thanks. I just install Parallels 12 last Friday and installed Windows 10 in a VM this morning, and like the many others on this thread, I am not able to set my Windows 10 VM to any other resolution than 1024 x 768.

I am trying to run this VM on a secondary monitor (Dell 2208WFP) at res 1680x1050.I have parallels tools installed (tools Change Resolution does recognize the correct res for all my monitors)I have Scale to Fit screen set to 'Keep Ratio'I have 'Activating virtual machine shows all its spaces' uncheckedI have Hardware / Graphics / Resolution set to 'Scaled' (I did try all the available settings)For every change I tried, I performed a shut down from the Windows menu and then restart the VM. I don't know what to try next. I signed up, just to post my solution here. I am new to Mac and parallels.

On my MacBook Pro 15', I also had the Windows 10 resolution 'locked' at 1024x768, which looked terrible. One poster above gave me the clue in #1 below: thank you! Let me share what I did (this is simply what worked for me): Do all of this WITHOUT having your external monitor plugged into your MacBook. That's my suggestion: some options are NOT there if you have an external monitor plugged in.1.

Reinstall Parallels Tools (I shut down the Windows 10 VM (virtual machine) first). You do this from the double red bar icon in upper right, click Actions, Then 'Reinstall Parallels Tools'. If you have never installed them, it will just say 'Install Parallels Tools'.

You MUST have this installed. The first time I did this, a Windows 10 msg popped up in the bottom right.

You have to click on that again, to really get it started. It's a Windows 10 msg of some kind that says 'click here to tell it what you want to do'. You have to click it, and a popup appears again, and then click 'Install Parallels Tools', or something. Basically, don't ignore that msg or nothing may happen. The let the Install/Reinstall run, unattended.2. After Parallels Tools is installed, and with the Windows 10 VM still off, click those double red bars again, then choose 'Configure'.3.

The popup window will say 'Windows 10 - Options' at the top.4. Click on the 2nd 'tab' called 'Options' at the top. Then in the list below, click on 'Full Screen'. The ONLY thing I have checked here is one checkbox 'Allow Windows 10 to set display gamma'.

I can't uncheck this anyway. Right underneath that, it says 'Scale to fit screen:'. You want the option set to 'Auto'. You won't be able to change this, if your VM is running and Windows 10 is running!4.

Click on the 3rd 'tab' called 'Hardware' at the top. Then in the list below, click on 'Graphics'. I have my resolution set to 'Best for Retina Display'.


I didn't touch anything else (memory usage is already set, and I didn't click 'Advanced.' Then I restarted the Windows 10 VM.6.

I was blown away. This is what it's SUPPOSED to look like. On my 2017 MacBook Pro, now Windows 10 looks crisp and clear.If you then go to Windows and check your resolution, I was surprised to find what it set that to, but I'm not touching it. In fact, I took pics of every screen in case I ever have to get it back. Parallels did THIS to my Windows display settings: 'Scale and Layout: a custom scale factor is set. It's set to 'change the size of text, apps, and other items to 350%'.

And the resolution is at 3360x2100 (which it even says is '(Recommended)'.That's what I did. It's worth pursuing. Prior to this, I thought I would have to live with terrible resolution. But it works, if you tweak it right. Remember: turn off the VM and disconnect your monitor.

Get it looking great on your MacBook screen. Then hook up monitors, etc. StephaneM2: You're welcome. I'm glad it helped. I was so frustrated, I had almost given up. I agree: I think Parallels Tools itself is probably the number one thing I did that made this work.A couple of edits to my post (I got it working but have made changes already today):1. 3360x2100 res' made things way too small.

I took the risk and changed it down to 2560x1600. What's nice, is that it changes the% for you (I can't edit it, the way I change my res') and now the 'size of text, apps, and other items' is at 250%.2. But then when I restarted the VM, it kept defaulting back to 3360x2100.3.

So, I closed the VM and had to 'exit full screen mode' to do this: under Options, Full Screen, Scale to Fit Screen: I had to change that to 'KEEP RATIO'. This now keeps my windows 10 display res' at what I left it at, after a VM restart.4.

The Windows 10 display resolutions while running Parallels on a Retina display MBP don't LOOK like they match the equivalent res' on my older 15' Thinkpad. I'm sure it has to do with the Retina display, so I'm still experimenting. But at least it looks acceptable now.